This report explores the approach and methodology for selecting a package of materials regarding the representation of the Qualifications Recognition Scheme and Maturity Level – being developed by WP 3, with direct contribution from other WPs (refer to ARISE deliverables 3.1 and 3.2 reporting), with the objective of conducting testing with market stakeholders.

It will summarise the proposed strategy for ARISE presentation and demonstration of the concept, and format of the Qualifications Recognition Scheme and Maturity Level, in both Consortium, and associated partner’s countries. It will further identify the type of research data to be collected, and identify a possible range of participants, for this first stage in ARISE’s overall direct market stimulus to increase demand for upskilling in sustainable energy skills strategy.

This is to be the first pre-production stage for testing ARISE’s overall methodology, and, in detail, the tools for maturity assessment, and consequent tailored signposting of users to a tailor fit pathway of qualifications scheme for recognised competencies.

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