Date: 10/09/2024

Time: 11:00 – 12:30 (CET)

Registration link: here.

Please find our event on BUILDUP

Title: “ARISE PROJECT – Workshop on effective market  implementation of sustainable energy and digital skills in the construction sector.”

About the Project
ARISE is a European-funded project (by H2020 Grant Agreement No 101033864), started in September 2021, that aims to support the upskilling of design and construction professionals on the topics of energy-efficient buildings and BIM processes.
ARISE’s global goal is to revolutionize the learning process by changing both the delivery and recognition of sustainable energy skills in the construction sector. The new system of training and recognition of skills will be valid across the EU, thus increasing the spread of a skilled workforce in the building market.
By providing clear learning interactions, transparency of upskilling transactions and recognition of qualifications achieved, ARISE inspires demand for sustainable energy skills.

About the Workshop

The Workshop will be organized as an online international communication event, to allow the stakeholders of the building supply chain from different countries to share experiences and opinions on market demand and implementation of competencies and skills in the procurement of building projects.  The result of the event will be brought to the attention of the European stakeholders to propose recommendations to all member states to adopt a common approach.

The workshop will take place on 10th September 2024, from 11.00 to 12.30 CET, with the following agenda:

11.00-11.05 Welcome and introduction; objectives of the workshop
11.05 -11.10 Project ARISE – Mission and objectives
11.10 -11.25 Demonstration of ARISE Framework and Platform
11.25 -11.35 ARISE Recommendations for supportive and stimulating measures for increased demand of skills in procurement of building projects
11.35-12.10 Open discussion on effective market implementation of sustainable energy skills in the domain of policy, regulatory, education and financial measures
12.10-12.25 Conclusions
12.25-12.30 Closing