
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by providing top quality higher education, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, as well as developing Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) activities to allow it to provide teaching in line with the highest international standards.
IST is involved with some of the most prestigious RD&I and technology transfer institutions in Portugal, with remarkable impact internationally in many scientific and technological domains. Internationalization has been defined as a key strategic goal over the past few years with increasing number of international students and staff as well as an increasing participation in international academic networks (e.g. CLUSTER, TIME, CESAER, MAGALHÃES, EIT-KIC InnoEnergy). Through a large number of agreements with other institutions worldwide, IST participates in more than 25 Dual Master programmes, and joint PhD programmes with MIT, CMU, UT-Austin and EPFL, thus promoting a highly modern and culturally diverse society.
IST participates in a large number of EC-funded projects, particularly in the programs: FP7 (7th Framework Programme), Marie Curie Actions, ENERGY, ERA (European Research Area), EURATOM, ERC (European Research Council), LEONARDO DA VINCI, SOCRATES, TEMPUS, LIFE, External Cooperation programmes / ALFA, among others.